The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Retired from Hamilton Sundstrand in 1992, but spent the next 10 years doing consulting work for a law firm and other engineering companies. I am now fully retired with no desire to work any more. My wife, Geri, and I have four married daughters and one married son and ten grandchildren, one of whom was recently adopted from China. All are in the area so they keep us busy. I just recently stopped playing tennis each week when the group got too old to play. I still play golf all summer and ski as much as possible in the winter usually going to Vail for a week although this year we went to Whistler in Canada. I am in reasonable health for my age group and try to keep as active as possible. My sister and husband live in the retirement community at PSU. I still root for PSU, but now have become a Univ. of CT women's basketball fan to the extent of seasons tickets and trips to the NCAA Final Four. I hope that if any alum reads this they might give me a call anytime for a possible get together. Also good health to all.